[Openchrome-users] [openChrome] #33: Video corruption on via sp13000 (CN400)

Brent Shellenberg brent
Wed Apr 19 11:57:42 PDT 2006

On Wednesday 19 April 2006 11:21, Ivor Hewitt wrote:

> It would be interesting to know if the colours change if you move an
> image around on the screen in the area with the problem i.e. off to the
> left/right of the screen to see if/how that affects the image.

It doesn't affect it at all. The display holds steady with the same problem 
(ie: it doesn't move or change its appearance).

> It needs someone with patience and an ntsc screen to tinker with the
> timings.

Well, without giving me the whole bible on it, where do I start looking?

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