[Openchrome-users] Commell LV-667T Composite Screen Doubled and in Black and White?

Eric Gilbert eric.gilbert
Mon Apr 24 09:47:28 PDT 2006

Ken and Tim, thanks for your xorg.confs They helped narrow down what
is working with my setup.

Besides the the doubled screen in black and white I was able to output
720p and 1080i clips just fine using 720x480Under with a depth of 16.
Here is a screen shot

Whoohoo!!! I'm really happy about this, it seems like just a little
more work is needed on the TV encoder.

The other modes I tried 720x480Over, 720x480Fit and 640x480 and none
of them were stable. I can take a picture but they looked like they
were never going to sync up. I guess the best way to describe then was
rolling in more than direction at the same time.

The exception was 720x480Under at 24 which alternated between a
colored gradient and a black and white screen with the menu boxes twm
overlapping themselves multiple times and also appearing out of sync
and I guess ghosted over themselves.
(http://geekgod.dyndns.org:8888/download/Testing/DSCF2087.JPG) and

I'm running a mix of debian stable and unstable with the 2.6.16
kernel. I started with Knoppmyth R5B7 as the base system then upgraded
to xorg 7 modular to build the openchrome divers.

Hopefully my screen shot makes it through. My xorg.conf is a mix from
Ken's and Tim's files so it is a bit of a mess but I doubt now that is
the source of my problems. I also have enabled CRT + TV output in the
bios and the console seems to show up fine on the tv along with my

Is there anymore information I can provide that will be of use to help
resolve the issues?

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