[Openchrome-users] xvmc vs. xv mplayer

Chad masterclc
Sat Apr 29 10:40:59 PDT 2006

On 4/29/06, Warren Wilder <wipwap19 at hotmail.com> wrote:
> Chad schreef:
> >>What link do you want? I expect the patch simply needs its configure logic
> >>unbroken since that what's changed in mplayer recently.
> >
> >Thanks for the follow up, good info on the H264 stuff above.
> >
> >I was referring to the link to the mplayer patch that I can't find.  I
> >looked around a bit but can't find the location of the existing patch
> >to 'play with'.
> >
>   That would be here:
> http://www.openchrome.org/snapshots.html
> Good luck.
> Warren
> _________________________________________________________________

Thank you both!

I'll play with it today and see how it goes.


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