[Openchrome-users] google earth PN800

Xavier Bachelot xb_ml
Wed Aug 9 08:53:03 PDT 2006

St?phane Konstantaropoulos wrote:
> Le mercredi 09 ao?t 2006 16:26, vous avez ?crit :
>>St?phane Konstantaropoulos wrote:
>>>Hi All,
>>>Anybody tried google earth linux on this chip?
>>I'll give it a shot on a KM400A tonight.
>>>I looks accelerated, the dri seems to be initialized fine. But if I
>>>maximize the window (my screen is 1024x768), the 3d area is no longer
>>>displayed, some artifacts appear.
>>>If I keep the 3d area small enough (say 640), it works really fine. Maybe
>>>it's a problem with texture sizes. I can't find the option but I changed
>>>the depth from 32 bit to 16 bit because I run X at 16 bit depth.
>>>Thanks for advising,
>>How many memory do you have allocated to your video card ? You might
>>want to try to allocate more.
> Thanks for the reply.
> I allocated the maximum allowed by the BIOS: 64MB
> I'll have a look if I find a BIOS update now.
64Mb is probably enough. Your first though of limitation on the texture 
size is probably the right one. You'd better ask on the Mesa mailing 
list, because this is off topic for the openchrome project which only 
deals with the 2D driver. Unfortunatly, Unichrome chipset are currently 
without a maintainer in Mesa.

btw, you didn't answered to the list, I'm adding it back.


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