[Openchrome-users] TV-Out on CN700 (vt1625)

Lasse Bigum Lasse
Fri Aug 25 08:47:50 PDT 2006

On 10:03, Fri 25 Aug, Joel Means wrote:
> I have a Via EPIA-EN12000E board that I am using to set up a MythTV box.
>  I am having some issues with using TV out.

I have e EN15000 board, have issues with TV-out as well.

> I have set up the
> openchrome driver from SVN downloaded on 08/22/2006.  I have also
> installed CVS drm from the same date.

I have openchrome versioned from 08/10/2006, and drm from 08/02/2006.

> XvMC works fine with xine and
> xvtestcard.  When I hook up to the s-video or composite outputs, I get a
> very garbled image.  I can tell it is trying to display what is on my
> CRT, but it isn't right.  I am trying to get it working on a standard
> def NTSC set.  Can someone tell me if they have this working and what
> settings they have used in xorg.conf and in the BIOS.  I have tried
> several different combinations of settings, but get the same results
> each time.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I have pretty much the same problem. The problem, I think, is that the X
server is trying to use the same resolution on both the TV and on the
LCD (for me), and since this is not possible for the TV, it garbles the
output. I can enable the following in my Device section to have the TV
work, but then the LCD fails:
        Option          "VBEModes" "true"   # Comment in for TV-out

I have not yet succeeded in making both the LCD and the TV (NTSC) work
at the same time yet. I'm using composite.

An additional question to yours, if you don't mind: How does one get the
framebuffer to work? I had it working at one point, but now it does not
work. It works with grub, but as soon as it displays the "unpacking
kernel" thing, the output on my TV goes blank. I would like to have the
framebuffer working so that I do not need to have X running to play back

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