[Openchrome-users] Back from the dead

tony tony
Tue Dec 5 04:34:51 PST 2006


Xavier told me in a private mail that it had been so long I hadn't
posted to the list he thought I was dead...

In fact I was just using my hush with FC4 and the driver that I had
installed from his rpms. A firefox yum update broke FC4 (I am still
trying to track the bug down but it seems to be the mouse wheel - scroll
= freeze, the whole machine locks up).

So here I am with a FC6 which I updated via yum with all the risks and
perils that represents. I passed via (pun intended) FC5 which worked
very well for the hour it was installed - the 1440x900 screen resolution
was recognised out of the box.

So how is FC6 you may wonder? Well a wee bit harder to get the screen
resolution right but not much. Just did a test with xine -V xxmc on a
recording I had on disk and... xine use 17% CPU says top but it is a
steady 17-17.9% no jumping between 13-18% like the driver in FC4. xorg
and metacity are eating huge chunks of CPU however. Still, mpeg
acceleration works with the stock FC6 rpms on the CLE266.

Congratulations - that sure makes life easier! I have yet to test 3D



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