[Openchrome-users] xgamma enabled

Benno Schulenberg bensberg
Thu Dec 7 05:12:11 PST 2006

Gonzalo A. de la Vega wrote:
[rearranged; please don't toppost]

> On 12/6/06, Luc Verhaegen <libv at skynet.be> wrote:
> > Gamma here works quite well. First fixed/implemented close to a
> > year ago, and evolved along with the rest of my driver.

I've tried Luc's driver, an old checkout still  lying about
(git SHA-ID: commit e9b86eb9b481161aaf11c2b5070435b95c8ec6bf),
and indeed, it works marvellously there, 'xgamma -gamma 0.5', 
'xgamma -gamma 1.5', ...  Nice.

But with the latest checkout
(git SHA-ID: commit 840a2d30554b8298806f8c642dd83b0ab62246be),
... xgamma probably still works, I didn't even try, because all the 
lettering got about 50% bigger, the horizontal sync dropped from 85 
to 75 Hz and made the display shift a centimetre to the right -- I 
quickly moved away from that, back to svn 249.

> KM400A is VT7205 (tested by Luc) and VIA's driver detect both as
> the same... so just by taking out the suspicious registry
> manipulation part (it's not there in unichrome) should make it
> work. I already removed this part and still works on my K8M800.
> Benno, could you try this patch?

Tried...  X doesn't even start: it sits there, black screen, 
nonblinking cursor in the upperleft, and locked up.

One more attempt, Gonzalo, then I stop testing.  :)


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