[Openchrome-users] People interested in debugging XV on the K8M890

chryjs userforum
Wed Dec 13 08:58:17 PST 2006

Re: People interested in debugging XV on the	K8M890
> On Wed, 2006-12-13 at 16:36 +0100, chryjs wrote:
> > Update to svn 265. No change too 
> > xine *.avi freeze even the linux kernel => nothing in the logs.
> > Maybe the drm/dri is buggy with Xorg 7.1 : 
> Did drm previously work?  Please verify the via module is being loaded.
> Thanks Jon

First time I test openchrome... So don't know if the DRM previously worked.
How to check if the via module is loaded ? The kernel via agp module ? Or the X11 video driver module ?


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