[Openchrome-users] Renaming via_drv.so to something openchrome specific ?

Xavier Bachelot xb_ml
Fri Dec 29 03:14:29 PST 2006

Hi all,

Just a tought, what about changing the xorg module name to not be via ? 
It might help reduce the confusion between xorg, unichrome and 
openchrome drivers and allow to have all of them installed at the same 
time and switch from one to the other easily (providing unichrome is 
kind enough to do the same). No more versioning mess, too. It'll also 
ease packaging all of them for the distro maintainers and eventually 
have all of them in the upstream xorg tree (not sure we want the later, 
modular allows a lot of freedom).

Any opinions/comments ? Feel free to call me stupid, it's Xmas time, all 
is forgiven :-)


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