[Openchrome-users] Red color lost...

Robert Alm almrobert
Fri Dec 29 04:30:39 PST 2006

(Resent posting, think I sent to the wrong address last time, sorry if it dupes! :-))


I have been using the openchrome driver on my CN400 based board (VIA EPIA Nano-ITX.) for almost a year now. A couple of weeks ago I decided to install latest MESA to be able to utilize the 3D support of the board. After that install (I think that a new DRM/DRI was installed with that also, but I am unsure) I sometimes lose the red color when I use xv.
If I lose the red color (not red in general, only on xv accelerated playback) and then restart X the color is back for a couple of playbacks.
XvMC playback is not affected, and works just as before.

My display resolution is 1920x1080 at 60Hz reduced blanking to precicely pass the bandwidth limitation for CN400.

I will record a video of the problem when I get the time.

Regards / Robert

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