[Openchrome-users] 720x576Noscale does not work

Udo van den Heuvel udovdh
Thu Feb 16 08:39:04 PST 2006


I was just trying to watch DVB again (antenna needs upgrade, many
dropped frames) and was cycling through the modes I configured:

                Modes    "720x576"
                Modes    "720x576Noscale"
                Modes    "720x576Over"

in mode Noscale I now have picture but with three narrow vertical bands
of small horizontal stripes at interlace distance intervals (every other
The bands are: one at the left of the center, one about at the vertical
center line and one at the right.
Does this help fixing?

My question about the overscan tweaking still stands, anyone can help me

Kind regards,

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