[Openchrome-users] ***SOLVED*** 50â,¬ REWARD: Still 'BadAccess' - please help!!

Ethan Arnold ethan
Tue Jan 3 15:44:21 PST 2006

The problem is finally solved!

Xvtestcard and mplayer -vo xvmc now run well.

The problem was that my kernel was compiled without System V support. I
enabled that (not Posix though, but I will if there are any more problems)
and it now works.

Actually I tried this before recieving Thomas' Email, I had just rebooted
with the new kernel when it came in and all I did was try it, although I
sure got excited when I saw Thomas confirm that it needed SysV :-)

Since he still gave the right answer, I'll be happy award you the reward,
Thomas. Of course if you really don't want it, I'll be happy to donate it to
the openchrome project, hoping that mpeg4 support will be coming along soon

Now all I need is a parameter to tell mplayer to run the video fullscreen
with no interaction necessary (no window positioning on the target display)
and my 7 days of fristration are over.


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