[Openchrome-users] vga-to-scart with openchrome

Luc Verhaegen libv
Fri Jul 7 08:51:24 PDT 2006

On Fri, Jul 07, 2006 at 04:18:22PM +0100, Greg Farrell wrote:
> John Robinson wrote:
> > Not as far as I know, and I'd very much like to do it myself.
> Thanks John. It's good to know it won't really work before
> he goes off and wastes money buying the bits for a vga-to-scart cable
>    Greg
Won't ever work.

Support for it just isn't there. Savage had one register for vertical 
interlaced timing (defines where to retrace) , and one bit somewhere 
else to double the HSync vertical stride. None of that is present near 
the unichrome and this functionality apparently got dropped between the 
savages and the unichromes.

As the person who has spent ages sifting through VIA codedrops, and as 
the person who has been reverse engineering vga bioses extensively 
(where i found CRT Sensing), i'm certain that it isn't possible, and i'm 
certain that i will only waste time pursuing this.

To add some weight to this, I will hereby place a bounty on this: six 
Delerium Tremens (http://www.ratebeer.com/Beer/delirium-tremens/1039/) 
mailed to the person who does manage to prove verifyably that interlaced 
modes (straight out of the CRT connection) are possible with the 

Prove that it is possible, that i'm not utterly wasting my time, and 
i'll be happy to dig this out.

Luc Verhaegen.

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