[Openchrome-users] Bug xorg-server 1.1 (exa enabled), xscreensaver and openchrome

Gregoire Gentil gregoire
Mon Jul 31 22:46:06 PDT 2006


I have a strange bug which is the following:

Gentoo 2006 distribution
xorg-server 1.1.1 (I have Option	"AccelMethod"	"exa")
Openchrome (svn revision 200)
Xscreensaver 4.24 or 5.0
xfce 4.4 beta 2 (compositing enabled)

When compositing is enabled, after xscreensaver has run a screen saver,
when it returns to the desktop after an event, everything stays black.
It's not totally dead as faking quitting enables to get back the screen
but the windows can't be moved and any refresh doesn't work. The session
is not totally dead but it's not responsive.
It's the same problem after previewing a screensaver and going back to
the desktop. Last, if compositing is disabled in the window manager,
there is no such problem. Last, it's not a new problem. I have always
had this problem with compositing enabled and xorg-server 1.x, xfce and

-1. Has anyone experienced this problem? I would like to understand
where the problem is (xscreensaver, xorg-server, video driver,
desktop/window manager = xfce). I suspect xorg and I emailed the xorg
mailing list but didn't get any answer.

-2. How could I debug the situation? Any tip to investigate the problem
and understand where it is.

Many thanks by advance for any answer,


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