[Openchrome-users] Tricky Problem with openchrome/cle266/mpeg hardware accel

joe mistelbauer j.mistelbauer
Fri Jun 2 05:03:30 PDT 2006

Hi folks,

hope you can help me - i want to use the hardware mpeg acceleration on my via cle266 based 
graphic adapter. 

when i start xine with -V xshm everythin works ok - when I use it with -V xv only a black 
screen appears (no xine logo). In Xorg.0.log an the console I get the message "DRM memory allocation failed"

xvinfo reports no problemes (see attached xvinfo.txt)

any ideas ? do you need further informations ? 



my hardware:
via nemiah cpu
onboard graphics with cle266 chipset

my kernel:
2.6.15 - with all the via modules enabled (especially drm, agp )
find dmesg output attached
lsmod displays (no errors at load time):
Module                  Size  Used by
uhci_hcd               31320  -
ehci_hcd               29680  -
usbcore               118980  -
rtc                    10716  -
via_rhine              20172  -
ide_scsi               14284  -
via                    38368  -
drm                    66524  -
via_agp                 7816  -
agpgart                29448  -

my system:

x11: 6.9.0 
find Xorg.0.log attached
Xvmc enabled ((II) VIA(0): [XvMC] Initialized XvMC extension.)
dri enabled ((II) VIA(0): direct rendering enabled)

xine: 0.99.4 - see logs attached (.xv with the -V xv option)


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