[Openchrome-users] [openChrome] #47: TV-out on via SP13000 (vt1623) is incorrectly centered

Ivor Hewitt ivor
Fri Jun 2 15:05:50 PDT 2006

On Friday 02 June 2006 21:59, openChrome wrote:
>  I did a new check out of svn trunk and compiled it. The output looks
>  slightly better vertically, it's still too far down but it may be slightly
>  less far down. Though it may be the same and it could just be in my head
>  that it's improved.
Ok so to be clear, for you the output doesn't overscan the screen and you have 
a black border at the top and left? (or just the left)
It might be worth downloading a test-card image to display to get a feel for 
how far over it is and if any changes make any difference. 

>  It's still as far to the right of centre as it was.
Can you make, zip, and mail a log please.

>  This is with a PAL 16:9 TV.

Ivor Hewitt.

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