[Openchrome-users] [openChrome] #49: CN400 instability/hardware lockups

openChrome trac
Fri Jun 2 18:02:53 PDT 2006

#49: CN400 instability/hardware lockups
Reporter:  Jesse Guardiani <jesse at guardiani.us>  |       Owner:  somebody                                                    
    Type:  defect                                |      Status:  new                                                         
Priority:  major                                 |   Component:  xdriver                                                     
 Version:                                        |    Keywords:  cn400 lock hardware crash X X11 unstable mythtv xine mplayer
 Openchrome on CN400 is unstable. Experiences full hardware lockups
 (terminal unresponsive) as well as video chipset lockups (terminal
 responsive, but X won't load). Xine seems to be the worst at bringing
 these flaws out. Just play a DVD. It'll usually lock up pretty quickly (15
 minutes or less). mplayer tends to be better, with 30 minutes to a few
 hours between lockups. mythtv is best with a few hours of uptime usually.

 This is a known issue. I'm just opening a ticket as a reminder. Thanks!

Ticket URL: <http://www.openchrome.org/trac/ticket/49>
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