[Openchrome-users] Mythtv color adjustment

Ivor Hewitt ivor
Sat Mar 4 01:43:50 PST 2006

On Saturday 04 March 2006 08:40, Lasse Nisted wrote:
> Hello again
Hi Lasse,

I walked through the code but wanted Thomas to comment on what it was doing 
since as far as I could tell it should work....
But of course I forgot to ask him. :)

I do know that myth "used" to work because it used to have an additional call 
XvMCSetAttribute... I'm not sure if it should still be doing that when xvmc 
is enabled, or if that was a hack.

> I see that the developers are quite active on the mailing list,
> and I know I can't expect them to answer every single question.
> But I was wondering if I'm supplying wrong information, invalid
> bugs or something like that, since no one answers.
No all fine. Just overlooked.

Ivor Hewitt.

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