[Openchrome-users] Openchrome & Xgl

Xavier Bachelot xb_ml
Wed Mar 8 01:49:57 PST 2006

Boris Du?ek wrote:
> On Wednesday 08 March 2006 09:49, Boris Du?ek wrote:
>>I would be interested too. I installed xgl, compiz, Mesa from cvs using
>>gentoo ebuilds. Via dri is cvs snapshot of 2006-12-23. Latest openchrome
>>drivers from svn. However when I start Xgl, I get following lines
>>(basically "No screens found"):
> I forgot to tell that the screen goes blank, then there apears the typical 
> "grey dotted" background with mouse pointer represented by clock, and then 
> after some time (1,2 seconds), the terminal again appears with the log 
> message.
a full xorg log would help, as well as your xorg.conf.


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