[Openchrome-users] Line draw bugs on K8M800

Lewin Edwards larwe
Sat Mar 11 07:27:50 PST 2006

Has anyone else observed problems with like draw? I have an odd problem with
screen corruption while using EAGLE (CAD software, freeware version at

This program draws a lot of 1-pixel-wide lines (ratlines).

Using openchrome, these lines appear dashed - exactly 8 pixels are drawn
(regardless of zoom level), then there is a gap of approximately 24 pixels,
then the next 8 pixels, and so on. The "missing" pixels are, however, not
really "missing" - they are simply being drawn in the wrong place (sometimes
offscreen, sometimes outside the clip rectangle of the window, sometimes
just onscreen somewhere).

This occurs at 16 and 24bpp. It seems like the line is being drawn in
32-pixel chunks and each block of 8 pixels has its start and end coordinates
calculated individually - with only the first block of 8 pixels in each
32-pixel chunk being drawn in the right place.

I'm going to tinker with XAA options, but I'm curious if anyone else
observed such problems (and if so what your workaround was).

-- Lewin A.R.W. Edwards
zws dot com
Reply email address is valid but not checked very frequently.
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