[Openchrome-users] Line draw bugs on K8M800

Thomas Hellström thomas
Mon Mar 13 12:09:24 PST 2006

Lewin A.R.W. Edwards wrote:

>>>>    Option "XaaNoSolidTwoPointLine" "True"
>>>>    Option "XaaNoDashedTwoPointLine" "True"
>>>    Is the second option really needed?
>>>Probably not for that one specific symptom, since EAGLE only uses 
>>>solid lines for this. However in openoffice.org 
>>If the bug is what I'm thinking it should make solid lines appear as dashed.
>OK, I tried removing the second one. Dashed lines are OK, the bug is
>only with solids.
Could you try SVN revision 170? I've commited a possible fix.



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