[Openchrome-users] VT1623 24bit 720x576NoScale broken

Wander Winkelhorst w.winkelhorst
Fri Mar 17 07:07:45 PST 2006

Hi there!

I'm the proud owner of a VIA SP1300 and I want to use the 24bit
720x576NoScale mode, yet when I use it, my screen becomes garbled.
I have found a ticket on the openchrome website, so it allready is a
known problem. I have allso added a workaround to that ticket to get
an ungarbled screen (read the ticket at:
http://www.openchrome.org/trac/ticket/14 )

But since I'm an impatient user who wants it fixed NOW NOW NOW!
(aren't all users like that ;-) ) I want to have a shot at fixing it

So the real question is:

How do I set up a development enviroment to build the driver? I guess
I need the full source code for X.org and then I need to put the
openchrome (svn?) driver somewhere in there. But how? Are there any
docs describing the operation of the openchrome driver and X.org
drivers in general?

Allso, if someone else has any idea's why the screen becomes garbled
and/or how it might be fixed, please let me know.

Kind regards,

Some more specs, if they are of any use:
- VIA SP1300
- 512 MB ram
- Hauppage PVR 500
- Debian Stable (with X.org 6.9 from backports.org)
- Freevo
- WAF is very high

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