[Openchrome-users] Mesh notebook ... success & failure

Florent Piteau florent.piteau
Tue Mar 28 06:25:48 PST 2006

Peter Lord a ?crit :
> Benno Schulenberg wrote, On 03/28/2006 01:22 PM:
>> Peter Lord wrote:
>>> I'm using gentto, BTW, and also have mesa 6.4.2 installed.
>> Have you tried going back to Mesa-6.4.1?  Thomas suspects that 6.4.2 
>> might not work well for a K8M800.
>> Benno
> No, I've not tried that ... I'll give it a go.
> Thanks for the tip,
> Pete

I've the same problem on an Gentoo/Amd64 : "3D driver doesn't support 
visual xxx"
When compiling Mesa, there is a lot of warnings about missing files.
I'm not sure but I think there is a mess in the GL path between /usr/lib 
and /usr/lib64 or something like that.
The problem seems to comes from gentoo's "eselect opengl"
And it maybe it's related to this bug :  
I'm not on that box for now so I can't send more details about the problem.


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