[Openchrome-users] VT1625 (commell LV-667) success

Eric Gilbert eric.gilbert
Tue May 2 10:36:23 PDT 2006

On 5/2/06, Tim Dodge <timmy at invisibles.org> wrote:
> Quoting Ken Huisman <ken_a at billionmonkeys.net>:
> > I've been hacking on the VT1625 support in the driver, and I started
> > with the 720x480Under resolution, particularily with S-Video output.  I
> > have managed to get a stable X login screen @ 16 bit color on S-Video
> > out - a bit of a black bar at the top.  It doesn't work @ 24 bit color,
> > but I don't know why.  I don't know a lot about the driver yet (a little
> > knowledge is a dangerous thing!  ;-)
> >
> > Anyone want to try my patch?  I'd like to know if this changes anything
> > (better or worse) for people with composite or Y/Pr/Pb connectors since
> > I don't have any of those hooked up to anything.
> >
> > (this patch is a diff of svn 181)
> >
> > cheers,
> >
> > Ken
> Hi Ken,
> I haven't tried the patch, but I notice that you've changed the mode
> from progressive to interlaced.
> Perhaps it would be better to create a new mode for your changes? I'm
> using 720x480Under as it is, without problems (apart from the extra
> border).
> Cheers,
> Tim

Awesome! You rock Ken!

I don't have my board hooked up to the TV at the moment but here is
are some screen caps that looks pretty awesome using your patch at @
24 and 16 bit on composite from my capture card.


The output from the 720p Farscape (Fox is broadcasting the 4x3 in
pillarboxed 720p) and the 1080i Scrubs (NBC is broadcasting the 4x3 in
pillarboxed 1080i) have a blue box centered under the output section
that was not anticipated but may be due to Xine because they are not
part of the source.

The output from the 480p PBS has orange boxes that are part of the
source, but other than that it looks great.

I'll double check later today with MythTv on the TV but the fact that
it is showing up ok according to my capture card is huge improvement
(especially over my bit twiddling!)

Tim, what connector are you using for output and what is your
monitor/Tv? Can progressive output be done on Composite and S-Video
connectors or is it only Component, VGA and DVI? I have to have
interlaced output since my tv is so old, but I'm curious anyway.

Ivor, thanks for pointing out that the table values for registers,
that has helped me actually read what Ken's patch is doing.

Are the changes slated for http://openchrome.org/trac/ticket/6 going
to allow for modlines from the xorg.conf and not just modes in the
mode table to be used by the driver? Or is that somewhere else on the
time line as a nice to have?

Thanks for all the hard work!

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