[Openchrome-users] autoreconf errors

Jeremy C. Reed reed
Tue May 16 10:01:48 PDT 2006

On Tue, 16 May 2006, Jon Nettleton wrote:

> Looks like you might be using an old version of automake.  What do you
> get if you run automake --version?  You need at least automake 1.8 to
> build openchrome modular.

Thanks for the reply. Yes, I did have the old (but default automake for 
this Ubuntu). I removed it and installed automake1.9 package.

(I had to remove both automake and automake1.4 packages.)

Thanks. The autoreconf works.

I still get warning:

man/Makefile.am:30: variable `driverman_SOURCES' is defined but no program or
man/Makefile.am:30: library has `driverman' as canonic name (possible typo)

 Jeremy C. Reed

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