[Openchrome-users] 720x576Noscale problem

Jóhann Þórir Jóhannsson joi
Sun May 21 09:48:59 PDT 2006

Hi and thank you for the Openchrome effort.

Gear:  SP13000 (CN400).
   Xorg 7.0, Openchrome 20060306, Tv-out in PAL over S-video. Gentoo 
based EpiOs with kernel 2.6.15.

I've tried 720x576 mode but with picture too far to the right and too 
far down, 800x600 is OK but with small black border and blurry, 
720x576Over is clear and crisp but with big parts of the screen missing 
(notably the [cancel]    [<prev] [next>] bottom line in MythTv configs 
is lost), it is also too far right and down (by about I guess 5-10%)

The 720x576Noscale is very crisp but seriously garbled and in b/w.  
Looks like two, three images superimposed, with one far right, and two 
almost overlapping.

Any advice on getting the Noscale mode working, can't figure out these 
modeline thingies...

Is there a utility that can adjust these things in real time without 
restarting X? I tried Xvidtune, but it holds the pixel clock so the 
vertical refresh rate changes, it is also unusable when the screen is 
garbled as you can't see which button to click.

(--) VIA(0): Virtual size is 720x576 (pitch 720)
(**) VIA(0): *Default mode "720x576Noscale": 28.0 MHz (scaled from 0.0 
MHz), 31.2 kHz, 50.0 Hz
(II) VIA(0): Modeline "720x576Noscale"   28.00  720 728 864 896  576 576 
579 625 -hsync -vsync
(**) VIA(0):  Default mode "720x576Over": 27.0 MHz (scaled from 0.0 
MHz), 31.2 kHz, 50.0 Hz
(II) VIA(0): Modeline "720x576Over"   27.00  720 768 800 864  576 577 
579 625 -hsync +vsync
(**) VIA(0):  Default mode "720x480pal": 28.0 MHz (scaled from -0.0 
MHz), 31.5 kHz, 60.0 Hz
(II) VIA(0): Modeline "720x480pal"   27.97  720 736 768 888  480 480 483 
525 -hsync -vsync
(**) VIA(0):  Default mode "640x480": 30.0 MHz (scaled from 0.0 MHz), 
30.0 kHz, 50.0 Hz
(II) VIA(0): Modeline "640x480"   30.00  640 680 808 1000  480 520 523 
600 -hsync -vsync
(**) VIA(0):  Default mode "640x480Over": 21.0 MHz (scaled from -0.0 
MHz), 25.0 kHz, 50.0 Hz
(II) VIA(0): Modeline "640x480Over"   21.00  640 664 792 840  480 485 
491 500 -hsync -vsync
(**) VIA(0): Display dimensions: (400, 225) mm
(**) VIA(0): DPI set to (45, 65)

I swore I wouldn't cut my hair or shave until I got this thing up and 
running. I now have a full beard and hippy hair.


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