[Openchrome-users] error compliling on SuSE 10.2

Xavier Bachelot xb_ml
Wed Nov 22 02:29:03 PST 2006

Thiago Camargo wrote:
> ShadeX,
>  You new to Linux, no problem. Try "Ubungu Edgy 6.10" with my openchrome 
> package for it.
>  From my point of view, my procedure for getting openchrome running 
> without problems is
> really fast and easy, just follow this:
>  You must download: 
> http://ftp.wwc.edu/pub/mirrors/ubuntu-releases/edgy/ubuntu-6.10-desktop-i386.iso
>  Burn iso and boot your new CD, modify your /etc/apt/sources.list 
> according this steps:


I think your missing the point. The user asked how to fix his particular 
pb, and I answered this question. He didn't asked for another distro, 
that's really overkill for such a small pb, and changing all of his 
habits will create more pbs than it solves. As the openchrome Fedora 
packager, I also have a pretty simple route for him, but _only_ once the 
distro is installed. And iirc, there are also prebuilt packages for 
Suse. I don't want to sound rude, just to outline that I think you're 
answer is probably causing more confusion than necessary. Thx for it 
anyway :-)


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