[Openchrome-users] Makefile.am and maintainer mode

Michael Moerz natoka
Thu Nov 23 00:16:14 PST 2006


I've created a patch for the Makefile.am files so that a 'make 
maintainer-clean' now removes everything that was created by automake 
(including Makefile.in files, and all the other files).

While this is not a patch that is normally useful, it actually helps 
everyone who wants to package the software in one way or the other, 
since test builds can start from scratch ...
It might also help when automake/autoconf problems arise and there's a 
need to reproduce them.

kind regards,

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Name: Makefile.am.patch
Url: http://wiki.openchrome.org/pipermail/openchrome-users/attachments/20061123/0bf4bb8f/Makefile.am.ksh

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