[Openchrome-users] cn400 image width

Brent Shellenberg brent
Sat Nov 25 06:01:57 PST 2006

On Friday 24 November 2006 18:45, Chad wrote:

> You change the resolution in your xorg.conf file.  The Screens section
> defines which resolution(s) should be used.  Though with TV out you
> are somewhat limited; but finding a 4:3 ratio resolution should be a
> possible solution.  If you are in NTSC land, the 720x480Over (or Under
> or Fit depending on what works) might help.  Otherwise, you'll want to
> look at something like 640x480 (offhand I can't remember what pixel
> width that is, but googling for 4:3 resolutions should help).

That's not what I meant. I'm using 720x480Noscale, and if I create a full 
screen bitmap that has a border around the screen at about an inch from the 
edges, with lines through the middle vertically and horizontally plus a 
circle in the middle (using Via's windows drivers as a reference), the 
openchrome drivers display the circle as an oval (too narrow) with the border 
to the right is almost 2 inches from the edge (this being on a 26" TV). I'd 
like to find a way to get the openchrome drivers to produce the same visual 
in sizing as the Via drivers do in windows (with full overscan).

I assume the modeline that is being used for the NTSC resolution needs 
tweaking, but I don't know where to start. xvidtune just gives me a garbled 

Brent Shellenberg

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