[Openchrome-users] FW: cn400 image width

Ivor Hewitt ivor
Sat Nov 25 12:51:18 PST 2006

Bah, and now copying reply to the list. Hate this sucky windows moble  email client. :(

-----Original Message-----
From: "Ivor Hewitt" <ivor at ivor.org>
To: "Brent Shellenberg" <brent at starmont.ca>
Sent: 25/11/06 17:25
Subject: RE: [Openchrome-users] cn400 image width

I'm afraid I still haven'ot had time to clean up my new tv code which allows tweaking of overscan on vt1622. It's still at the top of my todo list.
I'll try and at least get some 'test' code out asap .

-----Original Message-----
From: "Brent Shellenberg" <brent at starmont.ca>
To: openchrome-users at openchrome.org
Sent: 25/11/06 14:01
Subject: Re: [Openchrome-users] cn400 image width

On Friday 24 November 2006 18:45, Chad wrote:

> You change the resolution in your xorg.conf file.  The Screens section
> defines which resolution(s) should be used.  Though with TV out you
> are somewhat limited; but finding a 4:3 ratio resolution should be a
> possible solution.  If you are in NTSC land, the 720x480Over (or Under
> or Fit depending on what works) might help.  Otherwise, you'll want to
> look at something like 640x480 (offhand I can't remember what pixel
> width that is, but googling for 4:3 resolutions should help).

That's not what I meant. I'm using 720x480Noscale, and if I create a full 
screen bitmap that has a border around the screen at about an inch from the 
edges, with lines through the middle vertically and horizontally plus a 
circle in the middle (using Via's windows drivers as a reference), the 
openchrome drivers display the circle as an oval (too narrow) with the border 
to the right is almost 2 inches from the edge (this being on a 26" TV). I'd 
like to find a way to get the openchrome drivers to produce the same visual 
in sizing as the Via drivers do in windows (with full overscan).

I assume the modeline that is being used for the NTSC resolution needs 
tweaking, but I don't know where to start. xvidtune just gives me a garbled 

Brent Shellenberg

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