[Openchrome-users] Unknown Card ID

DeNayGo userforum
Tue Oct 10 16:34:47 PDT 2006

Re: Unknown Card ID
Ok.. now that it runs, more problems are beginning to surface. I hope someone here can help me.

I don't know if I need DRI (I don't think I do), but it still bothers me that it doesn't work.
(EE) VIA(0): [dri] DRIScreenInit failed.  Disabling DRI.
(btw. is there any order I have to observe when I tell X what modules to load?)

Second thing, which I already mentioned. "pointing hand" mouse cursor doesn't work. I don't even know how to begin solving that problem...

Then something with DRM, whatever that may be.
(II) VIA(0): [drm] drmOpen failed
doesn't seem to be critical though

And then AIGLX and XvMC, both of which I've never heard of before, don't work either because they need DRI.

Well it would be enough if someone told me I don't need DRI, the only thing I really wanna fix right now is the mouse cursor..



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