[Openchrome-users] Which chipsets and features are supported?

astfgl userforum
Wed Oct 18 18:58:56 PDT 2006

Which chipsets and features are supported?
I'm about to upgrade from an old EPIA-M board to something more current for a combined general use(email/web) and MPEG playback(DVD/DVB-T) machine. I've looked through the openchrome site, xorg and googled everywhere, but I can't find anything resembling a compatibility matrix for the openchrome driver.

The primary requirements are MPEG acceleration and a 1GHz minimum CPU, and there are several boards which seem to fit.

What would be nice is dual displays, so I can run my LCD monitor on the CRT output and my television on the S-VIDEO output simultaneously at different resolutions. I've seen references to a secondary display in the subversion sources, but I can't see any documentation on it, or whether this would preclude MPEG accelleration, or which chipsets or boards are supported. I assume the CN700 chip would be the most likely target as it supports DuoView, but the last CN700 messages I can see are inconclusive.

If simultaneous displays don't work, or won't work anytime soon, I'll just have to get used to changing resolutions if I want to watch a DVD or recorded program. If there is support coming, I'm quite willing to buy a SP13000 and act as a guinea pig for deveopment.


Reply Link: <http://wiki.openchrome.org/tikiwikitiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=1&comments_reply_threadId=1&comments_parentId=2269&post_reply=1#form>

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