[Openchrome-users] VT1625 PAL Modes

Sandeman userforum
Tue Oct 24 04:15:19 PDT 2006

Re: VT1625 PAL Modes
Hi Alistair,

I think there is a big chance that all information we need is in tbl1625.h from the VIA driver source. I also think the translation to the tables in the Openchrome header file is not that difficult (but I could be overlooking something of course).

I will investigate this further. As an experiment I'll write a small program which just writes the values to the VT1625 registers and see what happens. I'll keep you informed. 



> Hi Sander,
> I haven't tried the via drivers, I heard they were pretty crappy! I
> think i read that they're for XFree rather than X.org too, but I could
> be wrong.  I did download the source and have a bit of a peek.  Looks
> like the tbl1625.h header may have what we need, but I've no idea how
> you'd go about translating that into entries for VT1625Table.  Anyone
> know if this is possible?
> As I said I'm out my depth here but if someone who knows what they're
> doing could help I'm happy to try out patches.  As long as they don't
> blow up my telly :)
> Cheers,
> Alistair 


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