[Openchrome-users] VBEModes option

Xavier Bachelot xb_ml
Sat Oct 28 05:48:36 PDT 2006

Ken Huisman wrote:
> Can someone tell me what the VBEModes option does?
> when I set it, it really changes what comes out of my tv out (cant seem
> to get overscan anymore when it is set).
VBEmodes uses a bios call to configure the chipset's registers 
responsible for graphic mode setting and also I assume from what you 
wrote, tv encoders.

This workaround is needed because current openchrome driver isn't 
'smart' enough to drive some pieces of hardware (some laptop panels for 
example). This is clearly not the nicest solution, as you can see, as it 
has some side effects and also doesn't allow to use any modes that is 
not hardcoded in the bios, but it's still better than nothing.


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