[Openchrome-users] mplayer 1.0rc1 openchrome patch updates

spood userforum
Tue Oct 31 14:23:33 PST 2006

Re: mplayer 1.0rc1 openchrome patch updates
> mplayer 1.0rc1 is out. This version of mplayer 1.0rc1 has a version of 
> bob deinterlacing that is not the same as the bob deinterlacing in the 
> openchrome patch. This bob deinterlacing was added in SVN version 20250.
> I have attached a tarball with three patches: 
> MPlayer-1.0rc-openchrome_xvmc_vld.patch, 
> MPlayer-1.0rc1-remove_bobdeint.patch and 
> MPlayer-1.0rc1-openchrome_bob.patch.
> The openchrome_xvmc_vld patch is the openchrome patch without the 
> openchrome bob deinterlacing (which includes deint-bob, deint-one and 
> tv-clip). The remove_bobdeint patch is a patch to remove MPlayer bob 
> deinterlacing after the openchrome_xvmc_vld patch is applied. The 
> openchrome_bob patch is a patch that adds the openchrome bob 
> deinterlacing after the MPlayer bob deinterlacing has been removed.
> I have not tested the mplayer bob deinterlacing support.

To what SVN version do these patches apply? I tried 20250 and the remove_bobeint patch failed. I tried 20400 and all patches applied successfully, but compilation failed.


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