[Openchrome-users] Hypothetically, what would it cost to pay someone to get the CN700 working?

fuzz userforum
Mon Sep 11 10:31:48 PDT 2006

Re: Hypothetically, what would it cost to pay someone to get the CN700 working?
> My hopes are that some bored, hardware skilled programmer will take a look at the
> existing VIA chipsets and fix the reliability and HDTV issues. There are plenty of old
> boards still available. No reason to go with the CN700, IMO.

I'm actually a chip designer by trade whose done a lot of firmware/software coding in the past.  My only problem is that I don't have any experience in video and can't find any documentation to guide my debug.  If I can get some more documentation or datasheets, it would help out a lot.


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