[Openchrome-users] CN400 resembles a brick on my house, they make a cool paperweight...

Jesse Guardiani jesse
Tue Sep 19 09:27:43 PDT 2006

Karl Hiramoto wrote:
> Chad wrote:
>> Hello there!
>> I filed a bug report ( http://www.openchrome.org/trac/ticket/74 )
>> about some issues I'm having.  In that report I attached a lot logs
>> hoping someone might be able to give me an idea of what's going on,
>> and even better, how I may fix them.
>> The jist of the problem:
>> When I play HD content on an Epia with a CN400 chipset (SP13000 or
>> Commell 667-T) the content either stutters too much to view it, or is
>> not visible at all (1080i content in MythTV).  I'm using a very newish
>> SVN build for openchrome and CVS build for DRM (within the last 2-3
>> weeks).  Please view the above mentioned bug for my log files and a
>> better description of my tests.
>> Any hints, pointers, pokes, prods or other unruly thoughts?
>> Thanks!
>> -Chad
> Chad I also have the SP13000 and I don't think the CN400 can do 1080i .
> I think  the max xvmc  accelerated mode you can do is 1024x768

No, the CN400 does 1080i just fine in Xine. I can't make it work in 
MythTV, but it works in Xine.

Jesse Guardiani
Programmer/Sys Admin
jesse at guardiani.us

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