[Openchrome-users] 3D acceleration

Thomas Hellström thomas
Tue Sep 19 12:47:58 PDT 2006

Joel Means wrote:

>Hash: SHA1
>I am wondering if I am getting 3D acceleration.  I am now using an
>MII10000 board (CLE266 chipset).  glxinfo indicates that direct
>rendering is enabled, but when I run glxgears, I am at ~100% cpu usage
>to get ~425fps.  It seems like I shouldn't be getting that kind of cpu
>usage if I am getting 3D acceleration.  My xorg.conf has the following
>options set:
>"RenderAccel" "true"
>I have been through everything I can find on the net about setting up
>DRI stuff, but I just wonder why my cpu usage is so high.
This is because the 3D driver spends most of it's time synchronizing 
with the GPU.
Most modern graphics hardware utilizes interrupts, so the driver doesn't 
have to do this, but the
Unichromes don't have any 3D engine interrupt sources.


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