[Openchrome-users] kanotix + openchrome

epia_III userforum
Fri Sep 22 14:21:24 PDT 2006

kanotix + openchrome
hi all,

I own an Epia mini itx M10k, and I'm very pleased with kanotix.
I've succeded  complinng openchrome driver following your howto and with some googling, modified my xorg.conf to enable tv-out (made a copy and paste from an old epios installation).

xorg starts with the correct resolution, tv-out works well but I've got problems playing videos....

mplayer works but is quite slow (at least a frameskip of 2 or 3); xine and kaffeine refuses to start.
kaffeine gives no output, xine says:

  X Error of failed request:  BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)
    Major opcode of failed request:  141 (XVideo)
    Minor opcode of failed request:  19 ()
    Serial number of failed request:  4445
    Current serial number in output stream:  4446

I've asked on #kanotix but they answered that the problem is with video dirver...
what should I do?
please help me since I'm not so confortable with linux, but this distro is very fast and I think It could let me trow away that awful windoze os on my beautifull mini-itx.

tx and bye,
alessandro IT


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