[Openchrome-users] #74: CN400 chipset cannot reliably playback HDTV content using XvMC

calinb userforum
Fri Sep 29 11:39:46 PDT 2006

Re: #74: CN400 chipset cannot reliably playback HDTV content using XvMC

I found that Xine appears to be using XvMC for some HD mpeg2 files; it depends on the capture/multiplexer source, I guess.  I tried an mpeg2 file captured with mythtv and it DOES NOT result in the "No accelerated IMDCT transform found" and "video_out_xxmc: Using software decoding for this stream" messages.  CPU use is high (80-90%) however on a 3.2 GHz P4 and I need to get the load down where a Celeron can play it.  Mythtv playback a longer term goal too.

I think I read about high CPU usage with XvMC somewhere--I have to search.  Maybe it has something to do with:

video_out_xxmc: Unichrome CPU saving is off.

In the Xine log.



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