[Openchrome-users] 1625 TV encoder using S-Video output displays narrow image

Ken Huisman ken_a
Sat Sep 30 11:01:56 PDT 2006

On Sat, 2006-30-09 at 18:09 +0100, Ivor Hewitt wrote:
> > I can go up to massive resolutions, so if this pic isn't good
> > enough...  :D  let me know.
> >
> Hmmm, ok can anyone with a 1625 report whether the 720x480 modes actually work 
> for them.
Hi Ivor,

No, they do not work over s-video, and likely composite connections too.  I can't
speak for those using HDTV connections since I don't have one of those (although
my commell board supports Y/Pr/Pb for that).

If you recall, several months ago I posted a test patch for vt1625 that
*sorta* made the 720x480under mode work (it still had a small black bar
on the top, and it only worked at 16 bit color depth - I also tried
720x480over but i had a large black bar on the top for that, so I didn't
post it), but I haven't really had a lot of time to try to get further.

In addition, there probably needs to be a separate set of 480 line
resolutions for progressive scan for HDTV users, or some option or
something that can allow you to change between interlaced and
progressive scan for the 480 line resolutions.  I recall 
when I posted my patch on the mailing list that one of the feedback
emails I got was that I had changed the mode to be interlaced instead of
progressive - HDTV guys would want a 480P resolution for their HD
connector while those of us stuck with svideo/composite want interlaced
for the 'old fashioned' tv.



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