[Openchrome-users] my hush is fixed

Tony Grant tony
Tue Apr 3 06:49:14 PDT 2007

Le mardi 03 avril 2007 ? 00:43 +0200, Xavier Bachelot a ?crit :

> > Fired up xine with xine -V xxmc
> > 
> > Guess what? xine is eating 35% CPU xorg is using 1.3 -> 20% depending on
> > how many windows I'm playing with. 

> Do you have some logs to show, please ? like xorg log and/or
> xine output while playing some mpeg-2 content. Maybe xorg.conf too.

I finally managed to break into the BIOS (VIA protects that real good
when you only have a USB keyboard...) and set the board up as it was
video memory is up from 32 to 64 (AGP aperature is 128)

Everything looks OK xine -V xxmc --verbose=1 below

The content is pure mpeg2 VDR recordings.

xine: found demuxer plugin: Elementary MPEG stream demux plugin
libmpeg2: output port has XxMC capability
av_offset=0 pts
spu_offset=0 pts
video_out_xxmc: New format. Need to change XvMC Context.
width: 592 height: 448 mpeg: 1 acceleration: 7
video_out_xxmc: Surface type 0. Capabilities 0x       2 0x       4
video_out_xxmc:   Requests: 0x       1 0x       4
video_out_xxmc: Surface type 1. Capabilities 0x       1 0x       4
video_out_xxmc:   Requests: 0x       1 0x       4
video_out_xxmc: Creating new XvMC Context 842094169
video_out_xxmc: Using Backend subpictures.
video_out_xxmc: Using hardware decoding for this stream.


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