[Openchrome-users] CX700 on an Epia EX

Xavier Bachelot xavier
Thu Apr 5 14:52:31 PDT 2007

Clark Rawlins wrote:
> On Wed, 2007-04-04 at 23:22 +0200, Xavier Bachelot wrote:
>> Clark Rawlins wrote:
>>> On Wed, 2007-04-04 at 21:00 +0200, Xavier Bachelot wrote:
>>> .. snip ..
>>>> Does the attached patch help with xine -V xxmc ?
>>>> Please attach xorg and xine log again.
>>>> Regards,
>>>> Xavier
>>> No unfortunately not.
>>> I wasn't sure if you meant xvmc instead of xxmc so I ran it both ways.
>> oh, indeed. I really mean xxmc. And I realize you didn't test that w/o 
>> the patch.
>>> With xxmc xine runs but no video is displayed, with xvmc it exits with
>>> an error.
>>> Logs attached.
>> so w/o the patch, we have
>> -V xv --> OK
>> -V xvmc --> NOK
>> -V xxmc --> unknow
>> with the patch
>> -V xv --> OK
>> -V xvmc --> NOK
>> -V xxmc --> NOK
>> Could you please revert the patch and try again with xine -V xxmc ?
>> Regards,
>> Xavier
> Here you go.
The log looks better but is the video displayed properly or not ?


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