[Openchrome-users] Build crashes

Xavier Bachelot xavier
Thu Aug 2 02:07:48 PDT 2007

Ueland wrote:
> Re: Build crashes
>  managed to get it compiling now, but noting "worked"
> The driver from trunk ended in "No screens found" error.

Yes, K8M890 is not supported in the trunk, you need the experimental branch.

> And the dev-driver ended in nothing more than a black screen, so i cant even get a console up to fix the problem..
I assume what you call the 'dev-driver' is the experimental branch.
This is either because the pci id of your motherboard is not known, or 
no graphic mode can be validated.
Please provide the following informations :
- Manufacturer and model of your motherboard
- Outputs available (VGA port, Laptop panel, DVI, Tv-out)
- Output of 'lspci -vn'
- Xorg log after launching the driver from the experimental branch
- Your xorg.conf


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