[Openchrome-users] vn896 - agp

pescorilo userforum
Mon Aug 20 23:56:21 PDT 2007

Re: vn896 - agp
I succesefully installed vn896 driver from svn, as described in previous posts:

svn co http://svn.openchrome.org/svn/branches/vn896_branch
cd vn896_branch
./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr
sudo make install

But the only video driver working with xvid mouvies is xshm, and that with very pour frame rates.
I also tried two examples from this site to get 3d working, but it doesnt, Xavier said somewhere I thing that it might not vor this chipset yet.
Also could not get xvmc or xxmc driver working.

Fujitsu Siemens V3515 wint vn896 video chipset
(K)Ubuntu 7.04

Hope to get some answers...


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