[Openchrome-users] vn896 - agp

exodist userforum
Fri Aug 24 01:13:06 PDT 2007

Re: vn896 - agp
The patches did nto work for me either, however I viewed their contents and just manually modified the kernel files adding the key sections it listed.

Now it works, I have 2d working.

it is strange, everything like lspci says I have p4m900, however that driver did not work right for me, the vn896 one did however.

Initially I had no mouse cursor, I figured out 2 things, the reason for this is because I had glx enabled, once disabled it was nto a problem, an alternative solution was to set option "HWCursor" "Disable" in the video section.

Anyway, currently no XV support, I was hoping I could fullscreen my video's, but I have to use x11/xshm which just blanks around the video but keeps it the same size.

Changing resolutions does nto work right, I do control+alt+(+/-) and it gives me garbled screen until I go back to my initial resolution.

When I close X I no longer have any video at the console, oh well.

This is a different comp than the one in question, I will try to get in here on it later and post my config file.

it still loads when I have GLX load, glxinfo gives me some info then segfaults, 3d stuff liek glxgears start but then crash.


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