[Openchrome-users] MythTv judder: XvMCPutSurface using a lot of CPU

Terry Barnaby terry1
Sat Dec 22 14:56:28 PST 2007


I am trying to track down a problem I have with MythTv under Fedora 8 using
the openchrome driver and libchromeXvMC library.
MythTv has a lot of juddering and glitches even though the XvMC VLD
acceleration is in use.
This is also present with the stock via driver and libviaXvMC library.

Using the old mp2decoder XvMC test program I see that sending one
frame at 25Hz uses about 12% CPU. If I modify  mp2decoder to send
two frames at 50Hz (Just calling XvMCPutSurface twice with the same
frame) the CPU usage shoots up to 98%. This is equivalent to
MythTv outputting in BOB de-interlace mode and appears to show the
same problem I have with MythTv.

I guess this could be a libchromeXvMC/libviaXvMC or DRM issue.
Has anyone any idaes on this ?



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