[Openchrome-users] ubuntu compiling problem

Jonas Haag jonas
Mon Dec 24 04:12:56 PST 2007

Jelle de Jong schrieb:
> Hi Jonas,
> I support a install script for Ubuntu, it sould work totally fine it is
> located at the first post in the below linked topic:
> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=3995908
> The non stable version will compile against the experimental branch. Be
> aware that you might get a broken resolution with this branch.
> Kind regards,
> Jelle
Hi Jelle,
yeah - it worked. The packages not installed were LIBvmx and 
LIBfont-proto and xorg-DEV.
So I will add this to the ubuntuusers.de-wiki (I'm supporting it).

Greetings and thanks,

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