[Openchrome-users] Problem on opensuse10.3

Xavier Bachelot xavier
Wed Dec 26 16:02:43 PST 2007

Hans Muecke wrote:
> I installed the openchrome driver and drm on os10.3 on two machines
> (32- and 64-bit). On both machines I try to run google-earth with
> limited (32bit) to no result (64bit).
> The 32bit machine has a CLE266, the 64bit machine a K8M800. On both
> machines direct rendering is activated and on the 32bit machine I can
> at least start ge but can't get the "whole globe" (there's always
> something missing in the window); 

This is not an openchrome bug, this is a (known) mesa bug.

> on the 64 bit machine it crashes X
> with
> libGL error: failed to open DRM: Operation not permitted
> libGL error: reverting to (slow) indirect rendering
> both as user and root.
No idea about this one.

> Section "Device"
>   BoardName    "VIA K8M800"
>   BusID        "1:0:0"
>   Driver       "via"

Either you're not using the openchrome driver, or either your driver is 
too old. Please get the 0.2.900 release or latest bits from svn trunk.


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