[Openchrome-users] vt1625 and PAL modes?

Tim Dodge timmy
Tue Feb 6 14:59:30 PST 2007

Xavier Bachelot wrote:
> Benno Schulenberg wrote:
>> Xavier Bachelot wrote:
>>> Or I can either proceed step by step and only commit the
>>> 720x576Over PAL mode, then fix NTSC modes that are actually 480P
>>> modes. We can then work from there and add your NTSC modes as
>>> soon are they are tested ok.
>> That seems the best approach: only commit things that have been 
>> tested and shown to work.
> I've committed the 2 bits above respectively in rev 291 and 292.

720x480Under @ 16 bit for TVType=480P works as before for me, thanks.

I've been hacking at the other 720x480 480P modes tonight and have come 
up with the attached patch.

Both 720x480Fit and 720x480Over now work for me (neither did before). 
Fit only works @ 16 bit, but Over seems to be happy at all bit depths.

I've set register 09 to the max value for both these modes, as using the 
previous values the picture was shifted vertically (black band in the 
middle of the picture). It's still not quite right, but Over now looks 
much better than Under used to.

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